25 February 2012

Reboot Concept Art: Robin Fox

So, I'm contemplating a stylistic reboot for my web comic. I don't have anything major planned, but I want to make a few stylistic changes that will add a little bit of flash to some characters and add distinction to a lot of animals. Most of this will center on the heads and faces.

Part of this stems from me getting a little bit better as an artist. Some stems from me having an idea for a character but realizing that the style of the character doesn't exactly fit with the style of the comic. Some stems from me looking at other, similar, art styles and getting ideas. Specifically, how to handle ears and hair on anthropomorphic animal characters.

So, here are three versions of the head of one of my main characters, Robin Fox. I'm considering a few slight changes to her muzzle, ears, and eyes. Honestly, the eyes right now are my least favorite thing of the current art style in the strip. I'm not happy with them, so I'm working on changing them to a style that I like more.

And I'm open to suggestions and opinions.

Also, I got a web cam today, so I may do some vblogging and/or live drawing sessions eventually.

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