27 February 2012

It's Another Maniacal Monday

Well, honestly it's been a pretty quiet Monday. The only thing I had scheduled for today was giving a guest lecture on the poetic background of the Snorra Edda. That seemed to go over pretty well, and it sparked a bit of debate when I opened the floor for questions. I was happy with that.

However, on the way over, I was walking down a staircase, and my right ankle decided to go all postmodern on me. It suddenly decided that the final step was only a cultural construction, so I fell down and seem to have sprained my ankle. I can walk on it with only a little pain, and I can put some pressure on it. The swelling seems pretty minor. But it hurts. And yes, I'm applying ice and keeping it elevated. I'm also moving it around to keep it from getting stiff.

What can I say? If you start your Monday by spraining your ankle, it can only go up from there, right? Right.

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