09 March 2012

Aliens and Angels?

S0o, I've been relaxing this evening by rewatching the "History" Channel series Ancient Aliens on Netflix. This is one wacky series that focuses on the Ancient Alien Hypothesis that articulates that pretty much every major event in human history - from our biological development to our cultures has been the result of extra-terrestrial contact and direction. I'm not going to go into how many crackpots fill this series, but I will say that when they do feature scholars actually presenting logical arguments, they immediately silence them with a loud nutjob misinterpreting the data to "prove" the ancient alien theories. It's special. It also makes me sad, because I can remember when the History Channel had some pretty strong credibility with academia. That's all changed in recent years.

Anyway, the whole discussion they had in one episode about how our ancestors mistook aliens for angels got me drawing. So, I sketched out an alien with a backpack and a wing-shaped parachute. If aliens are angels, and angels have wings, then aliens must have something that resembled wings. Right? So, the following image is what came of that sketching.

I probably should have gone over the quilting I did on the wing design more, because it doesn't really show on the scan. Ah well. That's a basic concept, and it's still a rough pencil sketch. Unless I decide to do something with it, it'll stay that way.

That lovely sound means my coffee is ready.

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